Sunday, August 16, 2009

RSS Feeds

How did we survive without Tivo? Okay, I watched less TV which was probably a good thing, but I can now watch TV on my schedule. I can catch shows that I was unable to before (much easier than setting the VCR), I can skip the commercials, I can go back and and rewatch something if I get distracted. Well, RSS feeds are like Tivo for your computer. If there are blogs, news sites, etc. that you enjoy and follow, you can set them up as RSS feeds and they come to you instead of you having to go to the sites each time you want to catch up. Then you can read them when you have time, yet you don't miss anything. (If you feel overwhelmed because you got behind, just click the box "mark all read" and you start fresh.)

This is the RSS symbol:

Check for more information and directions on how to get started. I use Google Reader (I also use gmail, Google docs and Google calendar for both school and home so everything is in one place). This is a great organizational tool.

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